Heart for Life

Did you know…?

Did you know that the impact of cardiovascular diseases on health is often greatly underestimated? Did you know that this group of diseases is the main cause of death in the Western world and did you know that there are actually many ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease?

Our mission

Heart for Life is an annual awareness campaign that aims to inform people about the danger of cardiovascular disease. Committed medical students go to De Krook Library to measure the blood pressure of passers-by and to estimate their cardiovascular risk based on exercise and eating habits, blood pressure and smoking behavior. The students provide personalized advice about exercise and healthy nutrition and they hand out brochures from the Belgian Cardiological League. Everyone is welcome to learn about how he/she/them can become a healthier version of themselves.

The students followed an introductory lesson given by Prof. Dr. cardiologist E. Rietzschel from Ghent University Hospital, about the etiology of cardiovascular diseases and how to explain prevention to passers-by. The students also receive a (refresher) course on blood pressure measurement. In this way, quality is guaranteed for passers-by and students. Prior knowledge is therefore not required from the students. It is the ideal opportunity to practice the skills of a future doctor.

Where and when does Heart for Life take place?

First it was a supporting project for Music For Life by Studio Brussels. It has now grown into an annual event that also takes place in other university cities such as Leuven, Brussels, Antwerp and Hasselt.

This year's edition will take place on Saturday, November 4 in De Krook Library. Feel free to drop in, you don't need to make a reservation!


More information can be found in the Facebook event.

More info? / Contactinfo

Profile 3
Hanne Depredomme
Profile 1
Amber Rollier