Everyone healthy

A healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle is something you have to learn from a young age. It has a huge impact on children's development. Too often children are given a cookie instead of a piece of fruit and they are completely unaware of what healthy food entails. With this project we want to make the children aware of healthy food and habits such as sports and oral hygiene, causing the growing child to reflect more on the effect of this.

As BeMSA Gent we try to educate them in an interactive way about all possible topics that belong to a healthy lifestyle. We do this at the request of several schools in Ghent with a large multicultural occupation. In recent years, this has happened at basisschool Victor Carpentier Victor Carpentier primary school (located in a deprived neighbourhood) and OKAN secondary school Toren Van Babel.In schools with a multicultural occupation, children and their parents often have a lot on their mind: they are not yet familiar with the culture here and healthy food and a healthy lifestyle are often pushed to the background.

In concrete terms, Everyone Healthy is a project in which a number of medical students go to a primary school in Ghent to teach the children something in a fun way about healthy nutrition, exercise, oral hygiene, sleeping habits and so on. They play cool games, cook tasty dishes and play sports. This is not only instructive for the children, but also helps you as future doctors in acquiring important communication skills: being able to explain things in an understandable way to all groups in society. Thus also to children.

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More info? / Contactinfo

Profile 1
Maria Paula Spreutels
Profile 2
Famke Coppens